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Nov 16, 2023 Budgeting for Christmas

During the winter months and Christmas festivities, we all find this time of a year a strain on finances. From present buying, social events and the usual bills, which are mostly increased during the winter as we crank the heating up more, spend more time at home and use more energy in general. We have found some helpful tips to help budget and save where possible during the Christmas period! There are so many schemes out there to help you budget throughout the year, put money in separate pots and store savings in time for Christmas. However, if you are sitting there thinking oops I haven't saved all year and now Christmas is daunting upon me, the cost of living crisis and forever increasing energy bills are getting me down, you are not the only one. Utilising black Friday sales, looking for multi-buy offers and setting a present budget limit is the most important tip to take on board. We all love the gift of giving, however loved ones would much rather spend quality time with you than see you get into debt. Take time out to enjoy a festive walk, grab a coffee, plan an event for 2024 that doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg! Watch TV for free! Most streaming platforms offer a months free trial over Christmas, just don't forget to cancel the subscription in time! Get baking or creative- thoughtful gits with effort made go a long way! Dig out old decorations, jazz them up a bit instead of buying new Look at your banks cash back offers, shop wise where you can When it comes to saving on energy, look at small changes that are cost effective such as drawing the curtains to keep the heat in, fitting draught excluders to doors and windows. Look at water tank insulation jackets to keep your hot water tank cosy, choose central heating over electric heaters and keep the doors closed between heated and unheated areas. We can all have fun this festive period without breaking the bank!

Oct 27, 2023 Lets talk mortgage rates

Mortgage rates hit a high in 2022 and the first half of 2023 making it more difficult for buyers thus affecting the housing market. However, banks have seen a steady decline on inflation giving them confidence in lending at a lower rate. If inflation continues to fall, the majority of industry insiders are optimistic that the top mortgage rates could dip below 5% again. On 27 October, the average mortgage rates, according to Moneyfacts, are: Two-year fixed deal now stands at 6.32% Five-year fixed deal now stands at 5.88% On 1 October: Standard variable rate (SVR) is 8.18% First-time buyers First-time buyers often have smaller deposits of between 5% and 10% of the value of the home. A small deposit might mean you are more limited in the number of deals available to you. If you do find a suitable deal, the interest rates are likely to be higher than if you had a bigger deposit because lenders will see you as riskier. There are many resources out there to help you find the best deal for you, speaking to a mortgage advisor, chatting to the bank, sometimes banks and building societies hold back deals for existing customers. There are many mortgage calculators and credit score checker facilities online, this is a great way to keep on top of your credit score ensuring you get the best possible deal.

Sep 27, 2023 Benefits of using an Agent to let out your property

Why is it important to use an agent to rent out your property? It is vital to do your homework before you decide to let our your property. Using an Estate Agent can help make the process seamless, for total peace of mind! We offer rent guarantee, property management and so much more. This ensures that your property is well looked after from start to finish. All tenants are qualified before even viewing your property, once a tenant has been progressed to application stage, they are then referenced through Rightmove referencing channels, this includes a credit check, employment check and previous landlord reference. With our rent guarantee insurance, you are covered. This will ensure if the tenant fails to pay rent, that you get paid. Property Management is just another assurance that your property will be well looked after. We have a dedicated property management team who carry out regular inspections, look at annual rent reviews, conduct all compliancy paperwork and make sure every aspect of your property is cared for. Get in touch today for a free valuation or to discuss your rental property!

Sep 21, 2023 All you need to know about staging properties to sell on the market

Simple, easy changes that can transform your property to make it more appealing to potential buyers. Tidy up the front Garden Make sure every room has a clear purpose Play to all the senses Clear clutter and nick-nacks Uses throws and cushions to revive old furnishings Add mirrors to reflect light Put fresh linen on beds and in bathrooms Dress the dining table Add life with flowers and plants Hide cables and extension leads Clean windows Curb appeal pretty much sells your property in the first instance, this is the first impressions a potential buyer makes when viewing your property. Remove any dead plants, cut the grass and a general Sprouse up just to give that clean, tidy look. Ensuring every room has a clear purpose is a vital part of staging, this will give viewers an idea on how to use that space, for example; ensuring in all bedrooms there are beds, or a dressing table to show that the space is versatile and can be used as a dressing room perhaps. This ties in with clearing clutter and making all rooms seamless, pop things away in the drawers and make the space shine to its true potential. Playing to the senses is something vital but small. The scent of fresh baking or flowers, lighting to give ambience to a room, maybe a subtle background music such as a radio on, just to give the viewer that real sense of homely comfort. Cushions and throws are a great way to revive old, dull furnishings. Bright and comforting colours can really add personality to a room and hide any unappealing items of furniture. Mirrors are a great way of reflecting light and making the room look spacious, again another simple but affective measure! Flowers are key, dress your dining table as if the viewer could imagine sitting here for dinner with the lovely aroma of fresh flowers. Likewise in bedrooms and bathrooms the fresh scent of clean linen, fluffy towels or nice cushions on the bed just give that added little touch.

Sep 4, 2023 Why use an Estate Agent for your Commercial Property

As Commercial Estate Agents we are specialists in facilitating the sale, purchase, lease, or rental of commercial properties. These properties can include office buildings, retail spaces, industrial facilities, warehouses, hotels, and more. Commercial estate agents help individuals and businesses navigate the complex world of commercial real estate transactions. Here are some key roles and responsibilities of commercial estate agents: Property Listings: They assist property owners in listing their commercial properties for sale or lease. This involves marketing the property, creating listings, and showcasing it to potential buyers or tenants. Property Search: Commercial estate agents help buyers and tenants find suitable commercial properties that meet their specific needs and requirements. They use their market knowledge and networks to identify available properties. Market Analysis: Agents provide clients with valuable insights into local real estate market trends, property values, and potential investment opportunities. Negotiation: They negotiate on behalf of their clients to secure the best terms and conditions for a property transaction. This includes price negotiations, lease terms, and other contract details. Due Diligence: Commercial estate agents assist clients in conducting due diligence on properties to ensure there are no hidden issues or liabilities that could affect the transaction. Contracts and Paperwork: They help clients navigate the legal and administrative aspects of commercial real estate transactions, including drafting and reviewing contracts, agreements, and lease documents. Networking: Agents build and maintain relationships with other real estate professionals, property owners, developers, and investors to stay informed about available properties and market trends. Property Management: Some commercial estate agents also offer property management services, overseeing the day-to-day operations and maintenance of commercial properties on behalf of owners. Investment Advice: They provide investment advice to clients looking to make real estate investments, helping them identify properties with potential for growth and profitability. Tenant Representation: Commercial estate agents represent tenants in negotiations with landlords, helping them secure favourable lease terms for office, retail, or industrial spaces. Marketing: They use various marketing strategies and platforms to promote commercial properties, including online listings, advertising, and property tours.

Aug 29, 2023 Tips to Make Your Home More Appealing To Potential Buyers

Here are some top tips to prepare your home for sale so it shows well and helps it sell faster and for the highest value possible! Declutter - but don't depersonalise! Viewers need to be able to envisage what the property would look if they were living there, this can be difficult for them to see, so make sure the living space is clear of clutter, open and feeling homely. Remove bulky furniture so the room shows off its full size potential. Leave some personality in the room such as photographs, candles and all those items that make a house a home! A fresh lick of paint - Kerb appeal creates a lasting first impression – most buyers make up their minds in the first few minutes of arriving at a property.  Clean windows, clear gutters and a well-maintained front garden, pathways and fences and a well-painted frontage are also important and can make such a difference! Fix and clean - Small repairs such as broken door knobs or holes where photos have been hanging, simply repair them. Clean everything, remove limescale, get rid of odours, hang up fresh towels and just make the property more appealing so viewers imagine living there. Upgrade the kitchen - The kitchen is arguably the most important room a viewer looks at and the most valuable in the house. Look at possibly painting the cupboards, freshen up the work surfaces by decluttering, add a bowl of fruit or some fresh flowers to finish off with that extra touch! Get the smells right - Bad odour is the biggest turn off for prospective buyers, don't just cover up smells, fix the source. Clear drains, wash bins, air bedrooms and then kitchen, dust down and pop a few air fresheners in the rooms to ensure all bad odours are gone. Conversely, good smells can make a property feel like an alluring home. While it might be impractical to bake fresh bread, cakes or brownies for every viewer that visits your home, you could perhaps brew some fresh coffee. Light and Airy - Wall mirrors make a room look bigger and lighter, consider putting up mirrors in smaller rooms and hallways, clean windows inside and out and replace broken bulbs. Make the most out of the natural light and make rooms feel bigger and more attractive. Pop lamps on in darker corners.

Aug 9, 2023 Buy to Let Mortgages

A buy-to-let mortgage is a type of mortgage specifically designed for individuals who want to purchase a property with the intention of renting it out to tenants. This allows investors to generate rental income and potentially benefit from property value appreciation over time. Here's how buy-to-let mortgages generally work: Property Purchase: As an investor, you'll need to find a property that you believe will attract tenants and generate rental income. Financing: Instead of a traditional residential mortgage, you'll apply for a buy-to-let mortgage. The eligibility criteria and terms might differ from residential mortgages, often requiring a larger down payment (typically around 20-40% of the property's value). Rental Income: Lenders will often assess the potential rental income of the property as part of their decision-making process. This income will help determine the amount you can borrow and your ability to repay the mortgage. Interest Rates: Buy-to-let mortgage interest rates can vary and might be higher than residential mortgage rates due to the higher perceived risk for lenders. Repayment: There are two primary types of buy-to-let mortgages: interest-only and repayment. With an interest-only mortgage, you pay only the interest each month and the principal (the original loan amount) remains unchanged. With a repayment mortgage, you pay both the interest and a portion of the principal, gradually reducing the loan balance. Risk and Return: Buy-to-let investments come with risks such as property market fluctuations, vacancy periods, maintenance costs, and potential difficulty finding reliable tenants. However, successful investments can provide a steady stream of rental income and potential capital appreciation. Lender Requirements: Lenders may have specific requirements for buy-to-let mortgages, such as a minimum rental coverage ratio (the rental income should cover a certain percentage of the mortgage payment) and restrictions on the types of properties they will finance. Consulting with financial advisors, mortgage brokers, and tax professionals can help you make informed decisions based on your financial goals and circumstances. If you would like to book a free meeting with our inhouse mortgage advisor, please get in touch today.

Jul 31, 2023 Most common Landlord mistakes and how to avoid

Most Common Landlord Mistakes and how to avoid: Insufficient tenant screening: Failing to conduct thorough tenant screenings can result in problematic tenants who may not pay rent on time, cause property damage, or create disturbances for other tenants. Ignoring maintenance and repairs: Neglecting to address maintenance and repair issues promptly can lead to more extensive and costly problems down the line. Regular property maintenance is crucial for tenant satisfaction and property value. Not documenting everything: Failure to keep detailed records of communication, repairs, and agreements with tenants can cause misunderstandings and disputes later on. Inadequate lease agreements: Using generic or poorly drafted lease agreements can leave gaps in important terms and conditions, potentially leading to misunderstandings or legal issues. Mishandling security deposits: Improperly handling security deposits, such as not placing them in separate accounts or not providing proper documentation for deductions, can lead to legal consequences. Violating fair housing laws: Unintentionally discriminating against potential tenants based on their race, religion, gender, disability, or other protected characteristics can result in costly fair housing complaints. Not staying informed about local laws and regulations: Landlords should be aware of their rights and responsibilities, as well as changes in local housing laws and regulations that may affect their rental properties. Overlooking insurance coverage: Failing to obtain adequate landlord insurance coverage can leave landlords vulnerable to financial losses due to property damage or liability claims. Invading tenant privacy: Entering a tenant's unit without proper notice or permission can lead to privacy violations and strained relationships with tenants. Poor communication with tenants: Not being responsive or respectful in communication with tenants can lead to misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, and potential legal disputes. Not inspecting the property regularly: Regular property inspections are essential to identify and address any issues before they escalate and to ensure that tenants are following the lease terms. Allowing emotions to dictate decisions: Landlords should approach their rental property as a business venture, making rational decisions rather than letting emotions influence choices related to tenants or property management. Avoiding these common landlord mistakes can help ensure a smoother and more successful experience as a property owner. Therefore it is vital to use a agent for your property management.