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Mar 14, 2024

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  1. Q: How long has Morgan Payne & Knightly been in the real estate business? A: Morgan Payne & Knightly has been serving clients in the real estate industry for over 20 years.
  2. Q: What services does Morgan Payne & Knightly offer? A: We specialise in house sales, flat sales, house and flat lets, property management, and commercial properties.
  3. Q: Are you experienced in handling both residential and commercial properties? A: Yes, we have extensive experience in managing both residential and commercial properties.
  4. Q: How do I start the process of selling my house with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Simply contact us to schedule a consultation, and our team will guide you through the process.
  5. Q: What is the average time it takes to sell a house with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: The time to sell a house can vary depending on market conditions, but our team works efficiently to ensure a timely sale.
  6. Q: Can I list my flat for sale with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Absolutely, we assist clients with selling flats as well as houses.
  7. Q: How does the property letting process work with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: We handle all aspects of the property letting process, from finding tenants to managing rent collection and maintenance.
  8. Q: Do you offer property management services for landlords? A: Yes, we provide comprehensive property management services for landlords, ensuring their investments are well-maintained and profitable.
  9. Q: What types of commercial properties does Morgan Payne & Knightly deal with? A: We deal with various types of commercial properties, including office spaces, retail units, industrial properties, and more.
  10. Q: Can I lease a commercial property through Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Certainly, we assist clients in finding suitable commercial properties for lease.
  11. Q: How do I inquire about a specific property listed by Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: You can contact our team directly or visit our website to view our listings and inquire about specific properties.
  12. Q: What sets Morgan Payne & Knightly apart from other real estate agencies? A: Our personalised service, extensive industry experience, and commitment to client satisfaction set us apart from the rest.
  13. Q: Do you offer property valuation services? A: Yes, we provide accurate property valuation services to help clients determine the market value of their properties.
  14. Q: How do you market properties listed with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: We utilise a variety of marketing channels, including online listings, social media, print advertising, and networking, to ensure maximum exposure for our clients' properties.
  15. Q: Can I trust Morgan Payne & Knightly to handle my property sale or lettings? A: Yes, we have a proven track record of successfully handling property sales and lettings for our clients.
  16. Q: What fees are involved in selling a property with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Our fees vary depending on the type and value of the property, but we are transparent about all costs involved from the outset.
  17. Q: How often will I receive updates on the progress of my property sale or lettings? A: We provide regular updates to our clients throughout the entire process, keeping them informed every step of the way.
  18. Q: Are there any hidden costs associated with using Morgan Payne & Knightley's services? A: No, we believe in transparency and honesty, and there are no hidden costs associated with our services.
  19. Q: Can I trust Morgan Payne & Knightly to find reliable tenants for my rental property? A: Yes, we thoroughly screen potential tenants to ensure they are reliable and responsible.
  20. Q: What measures do you take to ensure tenant satisfaction and retention? A: We prioritise tenant satisfaction by promptly addressing maintenance issues, providing excellent customer service, and maintaining open communication.
  21. Q: Do you provide landlord insurance services? A: While we do not directly provide landlord insurance, we can recommend reputable insurance providers to our clients.
  22. Q: How do I report a maintenance issue for my rental property managed by Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Tenants can report maintenance issues through our online portal or by contacting our property management team directly.
  23. Q: Can I view available properties for sale or lettings online? A: Yes, you can view our current listings on our website or contact us for more information about available properties.
  24. Q: Does Morgan Payne & Knightly offer virtual property tours? A: Yes, we can arrange virtual property tours for clients who are unable to view properties in person.
  25. Q: What areas do you serve? A: We serve clients across the whole of the midlands and further!
  26. Q: Do you provide guidance on property investment opportunities? A: Yes, we offer expert advice and guidance to clients interested in property investment opportunities.
  27. Q: Can I schedule a consultation with a real estate expert from Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Absolutely, you can schedule a consultation with one of our experienced real estate professionals to discuss your specific needs and goals.
  28. Q: How do I make payments for services rendered by Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Payments can be made through various convenient methods, including online payments, bank transfers, or in-person payments at our office.
  29. Q: Can I leave feedback or testimonials about my experience with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Yes, we welcome feedback from our clients and encourage them to leave testimonials about their experience with us on our website or social media platforms