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Apr 22, 2024 Ways to go green at home

World Earth Day 2024

How to make your home greener? Install energy efficient lightbulbs Use appliances such as air fryers and slow cookers to cook meals Recycle and re-use items, even the smallest bit of plastic can be recycled Conserve water where possible and avoid chemicals going into the water way by disposing of them correctly Take re-usable shopping bags when you go shopping Unplug appliances when you're not using them Hang clothes to dry instead of using a dryer Go paperless on bank/bills We can all play a part in making the world a greener/safer place and making small sustainable changes.

Apr 18, 2024 Latest Mortgage Update

Are you, your friends or family struggling to remortgage? Our in house mortgage advisor can help! There is a new mortgage offer in place whereby the basic criteria is: Must be married, you can use your partners income to top up how much you can borrow. Borrowing up to 70% loan to value Best part is, your partners income does not need to go on the mortgage or application. How does it work? Illustrative example: Mr Smith buys a property in his sole name with an income of £30,000.00 per annum, Mrs Smith is not named on the mortgage however earns £20,000.00 per annum, we use 50% of Mrs Smith income within the affordability. A total income of £40,000.00 to be used in the affordability based on 2 adults living at the property. Miss Johnson wants to remortgage her property and has an income of £45,000.00 per annum, her partner Mr Taylor who is not named on the mortgage but living at the property earns £35,000.00 as a self-employed plumber. A council tax bill is provided as evidence that Mr Taylor resides at the property. £62,500.00 to be used in the affordability Get in touch today to speak to our inhouse mortgage advisor.

Apr 16, 2024 5% Deposit Mortgages

5% Deposit Mortgages are back This is a scheme designed to increase the number of mortgage options available to homebuyers with a low deposit or limited equity and is running until mid-2025. Several major lenders are taking part in the Government's mortgage guarantee scheme, where want-to-be homeowners have access to 95% mortgages. The 95% mortgage operates as any standard mortgage would for the buyer. As far as you are concerned, there is NO difference between a 95% mortgage offered through this scheme and a 95% mortgage offered outside this scheme. For the mortgage lender however, the scheme guarantees that the Government will shoulder some of the cost if the lender loses money. For example, if the borrower fails to keep up with mortgage payments and the property is repossessed, but the subsequent property sale does not recoup the outstanding mortgage amount. The scheme will run until mid-2025. The mortgage guarantee scheme is similar to the 5% Help to Buy government-backed mortgage scheme, which operated between 2013 and 2017. Participating lenders have to offer five-year fixed mortgages as part of their range of 95% LTV products.The scheme was initially launched because 95% mortgages became scarce during the coronavirus pandemic. It was designed to encourage lenders to re-enter the 95% market. Which buyers can take part in the scheme? Since launching in 2021, more than 41,000 homebuyers have used these Government-backed mortgages to get on to (or move further up) the property ladder. Any buyer with a small deposit can apply for one. They are NOT restricted to first-time buyers, but can be used by anybody buying a main home, including previous homeowners and home movers. In brief, here is the general eligibility criteria: You must be buying a main residential home in the UK. So these mortgages can't be used for second homes or buy-to-let properties. The property must be worth £600,000 or less. You won't be able to apply if the property costs in excess of this. The property can't be a new-build. Participating lenders are not allowing these mortgages to be used to buy new-build properties (specific restrictions might vary by lender). This is because lenders tend to worry that new-build properties will struggle to retain their value – something that would be a problem for the lender if your property had to be repossessed in future. You must have a deposit equivalent to between 5% and 9% of the property's purchase price. That means you'll have a mortgage LTV between 91% and 95%. You must apply for a repayment mortgage. This means that you won't be able to apply for an interest-only mortgage. You'll need to pass a lender's normal mortgage affordability criteria.  > 5% deposit mortgages - how they work - Money Saving Expert

Mar 14, 2024 FAQ's

Q: How long has Morgan Payne & Knightly been in the real estate business? A: Morgan Payne & Knightly has been serving clients in the real estate industry for over 20 years. Q: What services does Morgan Payne & Knightly offer? A: We specialise in house sales, flat sales, house and flat lets, property management, and commercial properties. Q: Are you experienced in handling both residential and commercial properties? A: Yes, we have extensive experience in managing both residential and commercial properties. Q: How do I start the process of selling my house with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Simply contact us to schedule a consultation, and our team will guide you through the process. Q: What is the average time it takes to sell a house with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: The time to sell a house can vary depending on market conditions, but our team works efficiently to ensure a timely sale. Q: Can I list my flat for sale with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Absolutely, we assist clients with selling flats as well as houses. Q: How does the property letting process work with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: We handle all aspects of the property letting process, from finding tenants to managing rent collection and maintenance. Q: Do you offer property management services for landlords? A: Yes, we provide comprehensive property management services for landlords, ensuring their investments are well-maintained and profitable. Q: What types of commercial properties does Morgan Payne & Knightly deal with? A: We deal with various types of commercial properties, including office spaces, retail units, industrial properties, and more. Q: Can I lease a commercial property through Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Certainly, we assist clients in finding suitable commercial properties for lease. Q: How do I inquire about a specific property listed by Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: You can contact our team directly or visit our website to view our listings and inquire about specific properties. Q: What sets Morgan Payne & Knightly apart from other real estate agencies? A: Our personalised service, extensive industry experience, and commitment to client satisfaction set us apart from the rest. Q: Do you offer property valuation services? A: Yes, we provide accurate property valuation services to help clients determine the market value of their properties. Q: How do you market properties listed with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: We utilise a variety of marketing channels, including online listings, social media, print advertising, and networking, to ensure maximum exposure for our clients' properties. Q: Can I trust Morgan Payne & Knightly to handle my property sale or lettings? A: Yes, we have a proven track record of successfully handling property sales and lettings for our clients. Q: What fees are involved in selling a property with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Our fees vary depending on the type and value of the property, but we are transparent about all costs involved from the outset. Q: How often will I receive updates on the progress of my property sale or lettings? A: We provide regular updates to our clients throughout the entire process, keeping them informed every step of the way. Q: Are there any hidden costs associated with using Morgan Payne & Knightley's services? A: No, we believe in transparency and honesty, and there are no hidden costs associated with our services. Q: Can I trust Morgan Payne & Knightly to find reliable tenants for my rental property? A: Yes, we thoroughly screen potential tenants to ensure they are reliable and responsible. Q: What measures do you take to ensure tenant satisfaction and retention? A: We prioritise tenant satisfaction by promptly addressing maintenance issues, providing excellent customer service, and maintaining open communication. Q: Do you provide landlord insurance services? A: While we do not directly provide landlord insurance, we can recommend reputable insurance providers to our clients. Q: How do I report a maintenance issue for my rental property managed by Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Tenants can report maintenance issues through our online portal or by contacting our property management team directly. Q: Can I view available properties for sale or lettings online? A: Yes, you can view our current listings on our website or contact us for more information about available properties. Q: Does Morgan Payne & Knightly offer virtual property tours? A: Yes, we can arrange virtual property tours for clients who are unable to view properties in person. Q: What areas do you serve? A: We serve clients across the whole of the midlands and further! Q: Do you provide guidance on property investment opportunities? A: Yes, we offer expert advice and guidance to clients interested in property investment opportunities. Q: Can I schedule a consultation with a real estate expert from Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Absolutely, you can schedule a consultation with one of our experienced real estate professionals to discuss your specific needs and goals. Q: How do I make payments for services rendered by Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Payments can be made through various convenient methods, including online payments, bank transfers, or in-person payments at our office. Q: Can I leave feedback or testimonials about my experience with Morgan Payne & Knightly? A: Yes, we welcome feedback from our clients and encourage them to leave testimonials about their experience with us on our website or social media platforms

Feb 26, 2024 Industry in Telford

Telford, Shropshire is home to a large range of industry, with many commercial industrial estates, warehouses and factories. If you are looking to sell/let your commercial property in the area please get in touch with our dedicated team today. Industrial Estates in Telford Hortonwood Industrial Estate: One of the largest industrial estates in Telford, comprising multiple phases (Hortonwood 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10). Home to a diverse range of businesses, including manufacturing, distribution, and logistics companies. Stafford Park Industrial Estate: Another significant industrial area in Telford, offering a mix of industrial and commercial properties. Comprises multiple phases, such as Stafford Park 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Stoke Heath Industrial Estate: Located to the south of Telford, it is known for hosting various industrial and manufacturing businesses. Trench Lock Industrial Estate: Situated in the eastern part of Telford, this industrial area caters to businesses with a focus on manufacturing and distribution. Halesfield Industrial Estate: Located to the south of Telford, it includes multiple phases (Halesfield 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9) with a variety of industrial and commercial properties. Shawbirch Industrial Estate: Offers industrial and commercial spaces, catering to businesses in the area. Central Park, Telford: A development that includes a mix of office and industrial space, providing a modern business environment.

Feb 21, 2024 How to save for a house deposit

Saving for a house deposit is a significant financial goal that requires planning and discipline. Here are some steps to help you save for a house deposit: Set a Clear Goal: Determine the amount you need for the house deposit. Typically, it's a percentage of the home's purchase price, often ranging from 5% to 20% or more. Create a Budget: Analyse your monthly income and expenses to understand where your money is going. Identify areas where you can cut back or save more. Cut Unnecessary Expenses: Trim unnecessary spending on non-essential items. This could include dining out less, cancelling subscription services, or finding more affordable alternatives. Establish an Emergency Fund: Before focusing entirely on a house deposit, make sure you have an emergency fund. This will prevent you from dipping into your house savings in case unexpected expenses arise. Increase Income: Look for ways to increase your income, such as taking on a part-time job, freelancing, or finding additional sources of income. Automate Savings: Set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to a dedicated savings account for your house deposit. Treating it like a bill helps ensure consistent savings. Open a High-Interest Savings Account: Consider opening a savings account with a higher interest rate to maximize the growth of your savings over time. Invest Wisely: Depending on your time horizon, consider low-risk investment options to potentially boost your savings. Speak with a financial advisor to understand the risks and choose investments that align with your goals. Take Advantage of Employer Benefits: If your employer offers a retirement savings plan with a matching contribution, take full advantage of it. This is essentially free money that can help you reach your goal faster. Explore Government Assistance Programs: There are government programs or incentives to help first-time homebuyers. Research and see if you qualify for any such programs. Be Patient and Persistent: Saving for a house deposit takes time. Be patient and stay disciplined in your savings efforts. Celebrate small milestones along the way to keep yourself motivated. Review and Adjust: Regularly review your budget and savings plan. If your financial situation changes, adjust your goals and plans accordingly. Remember, saving for a house deposit is a gradual process that requires commitment and consistency. Adjust your strategy as needed, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. The key is to stay focused on your goal and make consistent progress over time.

Jan 11, 2024 Property Maintenance Reporting

We have a property maintenance reporting app, FixFlo. Please fill in as much information as possible on the app and our Property Management team will be in touch! Maintenance Request: https://morganpayneknightly.fixflo.com

Nov 21, 2023 How to invest in rental property?

Investing in rental properties can be a good way to build wealth and generate passive income. Here are steps you can take to invest in a rental property: Define Your Goals: Determine your financial goals and what you want to achieve with your investment. Are you looking for long-term appreciation, regular rental income, or a combination of both? Financial Assessment: Evaluate your financial situation, including your credit score, savings, and debt. This will help you determine how much you can afford to invest and whether you can qualify for a mortgage. We advise speaking to a mortgage advisor to see where you stand. Create a Budget: Establish a budget that includes the purchase price, closing costs, potential renovations, property management fees, and ongoing expenses. Ensure that your rental income covers these costs and leaves room for a profit. Research Locations: Identify potential locations for your investment property. Consider factors such as job growth, population trends, amenities, and the overall property prices in the area. Property Type: Decide on the type of property you want to invest in, such as single-family homes, multi-family, or commercial properties. Each type has its own advantages and challenges. Due Diligence: Conduct thorough research on potential properties. Examine the area, property condition, and local rental market. Consider the potential for property value appreciation and rental income growth. Financing: Explore financing options, including mortgages and loans. Get pre-approved for a loan to strengthen your negotiating position when making an offer. Calculate Return on Investment (ROI):Evaluate the potential return on investment by considering factors such as rental income, property appreciation, tax benefits, and potential future resale value. Consider Property Management: Decide whether you will manage the property yourself or hire a estate agent to manage your property. Property managers can handle tasks such as tenant screening, rent collection, and property maintenance. Legal Considerations: Familiarise yourself with landlord-tenant laws in the area where you plan to invest. Understanding your rights and responsibilities will help you navigate legal issues that may arise. Make an Offer: Once you find a suitable property, make an informed offer. Negotiate the terms, and be prepared for counteroffers. Closing Process: Work with a conveyancer and complete the necessary paperwork for the purchase. This includes the title search, inspections, and finalizing the financing. Property Improvement: If needed, make necessary improvements or renovations to increase the property's appeal and value. Remember its sometimes beneficial to keep the décor neutral and cost effective. Find Tenants: Once the property is ready, market it to potential tenants. Screen applicants carefully to find reliable and responsible tenants. Manage the Property: Stay involved in the management of your property, whether you do it yourself or hire a property manager. Regularly assess the property's condition, address maintenance issues promptly, and maintain a positive relationship with tenants. Remember that property investment involves risks, and it's essential to stay informed and adapt to market changes. Consult with financial advisors, real estate professionals, and legal experts to ensure a successful and profitable investment. Get in touch today for advise on rental properties, property management and much more!