During the winter months and Christmas festivities, we all find this time of a year a strain on finances. From present buying, social events and the usual bills, which are mostly increased during the winter as we crank the heating up more, spend more time at home and use more energy in general.
We have found some helpful tips to help budget and save where possible during the Christmas period!
There are so many schemes out there to help you budget throughout the year, put money in separate pots and store savings in time for Christmas. However, if you are sitting there thinking oops I haven't saved all year and now Christmas is daunting upon me, the cost of living crisis and forever increasing energy bills are getting me down, you are not the only one.
When it comes to saving on energy, look at small changes that are cost effective such as drawing the curtains to keep the heat in, fitting draught excluders to doors and windows.
Look at water tank insulation jackets to keep your hot water tank cosy, choose central heating over electric heaters and keep the doors closed between heated and unheated areas.
We can all have fun this festive period without breaking the bank!