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Property Prices in Telford

Jan 25, 2023

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The average property price in Telford as of 2022 is around £200,000, with prices varying depending on the type of property and location. Prices for detached houses in Telford tend to be higher than for semi-detached or terraced properties.

Prices also tend to be higher in the more desirable areas of Telford, such as Telford town centre and the surrounding towns like Ironbridge and Wellington. Prices for apartments and flats in Telford are generally lower than for houses, with an average price of around £120,000.

It's important to note that property prices can fluctuate depending on various factors such as the local economy, demand for housing and changes in interest rates. Overall, Telford is a relatively affordable option compared to other towns in the region, making it a popular choice for first-time buyers and those looking for a more affordable option.

Contact us today if you are thinking of selling or letting out your property.